Our lives have changed in 2010 when we have visited rescue center in Darlington in search of a dog we could adopt. Kris has spotted Echo and when we have enquired about her, we were told that she has a sister and "since we live in a place with nice fenced off garden it would be great if we could take them both"..... so we did. They have turned out to be Northern Inuits and our lives have never been the same since. We were novice northern breed owners (although we have had other dogs before) and we have received very good training from these two girls.... not to mention, we were hooked (or addicted as we like to call it).
One of our girls (Cherokee) became very poorly a few years later and we decided it would be a good idea to get a third one to keep Echo company. We already knew we would love to have another Northern Inuit and we were searching various rescue websites for another Northern Inuit Dog that we could adopt. This is how a week later Talo joined our lives.

A couple of months later we have agreed to take in our first foster girl - beautiful Senna. She was with us a few months learning how to live happily again when she found her forever home and with a heavy heart we have said goodbye to this sweetheart.
When Cherokee went over the rainbow bridge, we have agreed to help and foster another boy that came into rescue - Nanook. He meant to have gone to his forever home, but unfortunately plans changed and....well... we have joined failed foster home club. Nanook stayed with us. Unfortunately, very suddenly and unexpectedly Nanook has crossed over the Rainbow Bridge to keep Cherokee company in 2016. We miss both of them a lot.
In October 2013 our first Northern Inuit puppy - Deimos was born. We couldn't believe our luck and felt honoured to be chosen to take him home with us in eight weeks time. Deimos has always had a lot of character and has been keeping us on our toes. See his page for more details about him.

Theia joined us in February 2017. She is soo funny that she can get away with murder. Theia has a lot of character (even for a Northern Inuit) and keeps the pack in check. She might be small... but she has a huge personality. No one mess around with Aunty Theia. She has now taken over as pack leader.
Unfortunately in April 2018 our beautiful Echo has crossed over the rainbow bridge to join the rest of the heavenly pack at the age of 13. We miss our beautiful princess and first ever Northern Inuit dearly. But she is with us, in our hearts, every day. In September 2018 a new girl Korra has joined our pack and we were very honoured to have been chosen as her new home.
2019 has brought us tears of joy and sadness in equal measures. We have been blessed with two Northern Inuit litters. Theia had a lot of bad luck in relation to her whelping and only one puppy survived: Fireborn Angels Blessing aka Maui. It was an awful experience and definitely one of those we would never like to repeat, but breeding is not easy and it is filled with heartbreak sometimes. And then, two months later, our amazing Northern Inuit litter of 11 came to be. These were definitely tears of joy. White Swiss Shepherd Khione was born in August 2019 and has joined us in November 2019 all the way from Netherlands from an amazing breeder: Vivid Daydream.

2020 has been a very difficult year that brought us experiences we have never thought we would have to endure including trying to raise puppies in the total lockdown in the UK. However they seem to be doing amazingly well in their homes and we are very proud of those munchkins. It has been a difficult year other than joy of having puppies around. At the beginning of the year we lost our Talo at a grand age of 13 years and unexpectedly our Deimos took ill and crossed over the rainbow bridge in August 2020. To this day doctors cannot tell us what it was the only thing we know it was some acute pulmonary disease most likely viral. Fortunately we have managed to save some of him frozen for the future. We have received some good news though (and hope we will not be locked down again) as in October we have welcomed Korra and Yuri (from Honiahaka Northern Inuits) 5 amazing puppies who have grown into beautiful adults. 2021 we have decided that we all need to spend some time together without any puppies so we all took a break enjoying life. But 2022 was full of excitement: we have kept our Tempest and Talvi has joined the pack from Honiahaka Northern Inuits. Also we have almost finished planning first puppies of our beautiful White Swiss Shepherd Khione :D
Every dog, who has lived with us, has given us training and taught us about happiness and those things that really matter in life. We are in love with those breeds and wouldn't have them any other way. So our journey continues as is our education...